
Use this page to view or update your information and settings such as name, address, locale settings, and email options. Administrators can also create user records for new employees.

Enter or update information in the following fields:

  1. In the top sub-panel, enter the user name, the login name and password, and the user status.
  2. In the User Settings sub-panel, select the appropriate box to specify whether the user is a System Administrator, a Group User, or a Portal-only User.

    You can also specify whether the system should send an email notification to the user when a record is assigned to that person. The system displays the default values for the date and time format, the time zone, and currency values as specified on the System Settings page. However, you can change these values for individual users if necessary. You can also specify automatic reminders for upcoming meetings and calls. If the user has access to the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word, you can enable the Mail Merge option.

  3. In the Locale Settings sub-panel, specify the default settings for date, time, currency, and saluation formats.
  4. In the User Information sub-panel, specify the user's employee status, title, department, phone numbers, IM (Instant Messenger) type and ID. You can add comments in the Notes field, if necessary.
  5. In the Address Information sub-panel, specify the user's home address.
  6. In the Calendar Options sub-panel, you can enter a Publish Key to prevent others from publishing the user's calendar without authorization.
  7. In the Layout Options sub-panel, you can limit access to Sugar modules by granting the user access only to specific modules, depending on the tasks that the user needs to perform. By default, the user has access to all the modules. To hide a module from the user's view, move the module tab to the Hide Tabs list using the Arrow buttons. Similarly, to display a module to a user, move it from the Hide Tabs list to the Display Tabs list.
    To apply these settings to all users, move the modules from the Hide Tabs list to the Remove Tabs list. To move up a module, select the module in the Display Tabs list and click the up arrow; to move down the module, click the down arrow. In the Number of Tabs field, specify the maximum number of module tabs to display.
  8. In the Email Options sub-panel, enter the user's email addresses and specify whether it is the primary email address or the reply-to email address used to sent an automated response to emails.
  9. From the Email Client drop-down list, specify whether the email client is the default Sugar email client or an external email client. The user can configure the email client in the Emails module.
  10. To create the user, click Save; click Cancel to exit the page without saving your changes.
  11. To change the user password, click Change Password, enter the new password, and save it.