Contact Detail Page
View the contact details such as address, activities, history, and opportunities. You can create and manage any of this information from the appropriate sub-panel.
- To edit the contact information, click Edit, make the necessary revisions, and click Save.
- To duplicate the information, click Duplicate. You can then make modifications to the record and save it as a different contact. The system displays the new record in the list on the Contacts Home page.
- To find duplicate records, click Find Duplicates.
- To view or merge data from external data sources, click Get Data. This button displays only if the system administrator has enabled this functionality.
- To manage newsletter subscriptions, click Manage Subscriptions. To add the individual to a newsletter subscription mailing list, select the newsletter from the Available Newsletters list and drag it to the NewsLetters Subscribed To list.
Similarly, to remove the individual from the mailing list of a newsletter, drag the newsletter from the Newsletters Subscribed to list to the Available Newsletters list. Click Save to update the information.
- To delete a contact, click Delete.
- To track changes made to contact information over time, click the View Change Log link.